Crafts for groups differ somewhat from one-on-one crafts. Group crafts need to be easy enough for kids to do some on their own, but not so easy that the group gets bored. Group crafts also need to use materials that are easy to get in bulk and that do not involve too many parts. So here are two ideas to make your group crafts fun and memorable.
1. Magnetic Initials
This is a good craft for a group of children from preschool to early gradeschool.
* Blank 4x6 index cards
* Construction paper
* Flat adhesive magnet strips
* Various flat-ish materials for creating each child's initial - beads, glitter glue, buttons, small shells, markers, paint, etc.
* White glue
* Hot glue gun (to be used by an adult)
Give each child three index cards, one for each initial. Then have the children create their three initials using the materials you've provided (younger children may need help forming letters - adults can do a light pencil line of the letter as a guide if necessary).
After they have created their initials, glue the index cards onto construction paper rectangles that are slightly bigger than the index cards (this makes a "frame"). Adhere the magnets to the back of the construction paper, and the children can display their framed initials on any magnetic surface.
2. Candles
Teens may enjoy this craft. Many in that age group enjoy candles, and this is the kind of craft that requires more skill and has a higher interest level than crafts for younger children.
* Old candles
* Crayon stubs
* Essential oils (optional)
* Electric skillet
* Old metal cans such as soup cans
* Hot pads
* Packing string
* Hot glue gun
* Containers for the candles such as tea cups, mugs, seashells, or jars
Place old candles and bits of crayons (sorted by color) into the metal cans. Place the metal cans into the electric skillet; add a couple of inches of water to the skillet and heat it up until the water simmers. The wax will melt. When it's melted, add a drop or two of the essential oil of your choice.
While the wax is melting, prepare your container. Cut pieces of string to serve as wicks. On the bottom center of the container, use the hot glue gun to attach the wick. To keep the string straight when the wax is poured in, tie it temporarily to a pencil and lay the pencil over the top of the container.
Using a hot pad, slowly and gently pour the hot wax into the container. Do this gradually so the hot wax doesn't crack containers made of porcelain or glass. When cooled, remove the pencil, trim the wick and enjoy.
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