Barbie Designable Hair Extensions Doll Review

Barbie Designable Hair Extensions DollBarbie Designable Hair Extensions Doll
Barbie is still one of the most popular toys available for girls today, after more than 50 years in the business. The latest Barbie offering for the holiday season puts a new twist on the classic doll. The Barbie Designable Hair Extensions Doll takes full advantage of modern technology to allow your child to create their own designs for her hair extensions online, print them onto the provided sheets and clip them into Barbie's, and their own, hair.

Features Of The Barbie Designable Hair Extensions Doll

* Comes with one Barbie doll,
* 16 printable hair extensions,
* 5 assorted clips.

For this toy to work, you need to have two things: an internet connection to access the hair designs website, and an inkjet printer to print directly onto the hair extensions.

Is The Barbie Designable Hair Extensions Doll Worth Buying For Your Child?

The Barbie website provides kids with a large number of different colors, patterns and icons. Just about any style is catered to, and there's the potential to create several different looks with the 16 included printable hair extensions. Your child can even upload their own images and use them on the hair, helping them to get as creative as possible.

The website itself is quite easy to use, though the toy is recommended for ages 6 and up. Kids can drag designs onto the hair extension image and then print it out when they're happy. You will need to be there to make sure the paper is loaded into the printer correctly, and do a test print to make sure everything looks right before using the real thing.

One drawback of the Hair Extensions Doll is the fact that it can be messy. If kids aren't patient enough to wait until the designs are fully dry on the doll, the ink can get everywhere. And some kids may quickly run out of the included hair extensions. New packs are available for around $11 each.

Unfortunately, depending on your printer, it can take a while for the hair extensions to dry - much longer than it'd take for the ink to dry on standard printed paper. Some parents have reported waiting for an hour, which some kids may not be happy with. It only works with color inkjet printers, so make sure you have the right type before you buy the doll.

The hair extensions definitely look funky when you've printed them out, and an added benefit is that there's one for your child to put in her own hair to match Barbie's. Barbie herself is nothing special, looking like any other Barbie you can buy, but all in all the set is a very fun twist on the classic Barbie dolls.

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