Radio Flyer Classic Red Wagon Review

Radio Flyer Classic Red WagonRadio Flyer Classic Red Wagon
What started off as a simple toy wagon way back in the 1920’s has almost become an American childhood tradition. The Radio Flyer Classic Red Wagon is quite simply a must have for all young children who like to play around in the garden and outdoors. The iconic wagon has an all steel seamless red body that has no scratch edges, an extra-long handle for maneuvering and driving, and steel wheels with rubber tires.

What makes the Radio Flyer Classic Red Wagon unique is that, unlike many toys that grab children’s attention, the Radio Flyer Wagon is often an impulse purchase by parents who fondly remember their own Classic Red Wagon from when they were growing up. Suitable for all ages, the Classic Red Wagon was introduced into the National Toy Hall of Fame in 1999, and despite being on the go for more than 70 years it’s showing no signs of slowing down yet.

Features Of The Radio Flyer Classic Red Wagon

* Iconic red wagon design,
* Extra-long handle, foldable for storage,
* Steel seamless body, safe and comfortable,
* No-pinch ball joint,
* Durable construction,
* Rubber tires fitted over steel wheels make for a quiet and comfortable ride,
* Inducted to the National Toy Hall of Fame in 1999.

Is The Radio Flyer Classic Red Wagon Worth Buying?

Do you even have to ask? Whether you have a young child one or two years of age, or a slightly older toddler just starting school, the Radio Flyer Classic Red Wagon is a must have toy. The construction hasn’t changed a whole lot in recent years, but the wagon has become more stable and more comfortable. The real rubber tires mean the Classic Red Wagon can no longer be heard trundling along from hundreds of meters away, and the extra-long handle mean turning is a more gentle process than it used to be.

The Classic Red Wagon has a timeless quality to it. As kids grow older, the wagon evolves and its purpose changes. While it originally may have been used to drag toys, food or shopping around the house and garden, as the children get older you may see them using their Classic Red Wagon as more of a trailer or wheelbarrow. It may even become a mode of transport for smaller children to be pulled along! Therein lies the beauty of the Classic Red Wagon – while you have the imagination, it remains a toy. Once you get older, it becomes a functional tool. This truly is a toy for all ages.

The one drawback of the Radio Flyer Classic Red Wagon is something that parents may be disheartened to hear; the Classic Red Wagon is no longer made in America. You can expect to see a “Made in China” sticker when you receive yours. While this may take away from the sentimentality of the Classic Red Wagon, it most certainly does not take away from its heritage.

The Radio Flyer Classic Red Wagon remains a kind of rite of passage for all young children today. This is one decision that makes itself for you.

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